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This approach should holistically integrate all components of the road measure and manage it ought to be at the core of European trans- transport system (roads and traffi c, human behaviour, smart and safe port research in order to handle the climate challenge and provide vehicles) and should align safety management decisions with broader better mobility and welfare to European society. Some examples of transport and planning decisions using technological innovation op- important research topics in this fi eld are: portunities. Further and multi-disciplinary research is needed to design such a system approach and explore how to get it implemented. •Improved understanding of travel and travel demand. Trips, as used in much transport analysis, have always provided a limited TECHNOLOGIES AND PRIORITIES and limiting view of travel, as only the main part of the journey is Indicative topics to be prioritised in European transport research included. A reconfi guration of our understanding of travel would towards 2020 look at total door-to-door travel as a combination of modes, thus also including slow modes, which are currently under-recorded. The main aim of this section is to provide constructive inputs with a Such a reconfi guration would allow for decisions taken in terms of view to bringing the current version of Horizon 2020 one step further the weakest part of the journey. Reconsideration of travel demand by identifying and describing a set of highly important research topics. ought also to include trends, which could allow for better expla- nations. Hence, a megatrend affecting transport demand is the The suggested topics can in most cases easily be interpreted as rapidly ageing population in all industrialised countries. However, prioritised fi elds of research, but without claiming that other topics other demographic changes are the process of individualisation could not also have found their way onto the list. In particular, as visible in e.g. changing household types (more single-person house- explained above, emphasis has deliberately been put on behav- holds) and living arrangements (multi-local forms of living, such as ioural, organisational, and regulatory topics with a more planning living-apart-together) and the process of internationalisation, i.e. a and policy-oriented perspective. The goal is to provide highly growing share of people with a migration background in the Euro- relevant, important, and innovative topics which can inspire the pean population. Furthermore, a trend in new forms of car owner- Commission when providing work programmes and calls within ship like leasing and sharing should allow for new thinking about the framework of Horizon 2020. The topics are organised within the decisions to buy a car. Such decisions are often a compromise three levels of abstraction: research in the actual understanding and between different priorities – whether it is to be used for local trips, measuring of mobility and travel; the regulation of travel by balanc- long distance trips, or with one person or many people travelling. ing demand and capacity; and fi nally the governance, fi nancing, In order to establish a more comprehensive view of travel, advance and organisation of transport service provision. estimation of transport demand and improve mobility for the entire European society such issues should be studied in more detail. The research topics mentioned below include references to sections (H2020: 4.1.3; 4.2; 4.4) in the chapter on “Smart, green and integrated transport” in the Horizon 2020 specifi c programme proposal. As a result, each •Microscopic European travel and transport data. There is a lack topic lists the sections it relates to in the programme. of microscopic travel, transport and infrastructure data to support the development of European transport models for decision making. Pro- MOBILITY – BEHAVIOUR AND MODELLING vision and availability of detailed data can contribute to analysing Mobility as a potential to move is assumed to be essential for the impacts of taxation, changed demography, and to do cost-benefi t development of social activities, economic performance, techno- analysis of new infrastructure projects. It is therefore necessary logical capability and the societal dynamics of Europe, and also that national and European data for passenger and, in particular, underpins the draft on “Smart, green and integrated transport” in freight movements are maintained and improved where necessary. A the Horizon 2020 programme proposal. Many disciplines have continuous effort should secure that national survey data are made dealt with understanding and measuring mobility. Too little is still available and comparable at European level. Surveys should prefer- understood today, however about this latent variable and its associ- ably be continuously ongoing in order to identify dynamic trends in ated value to society. Mobility is a potential for movement that is the European transport patterns. Widespread application of modern determined not only by infrastructure capacity, but by the interplay ICT for registration of traffi c, payments, and operations control etc. of a number of environmental, technological, economic, social opens up for new, affordable possibilities for detailed data collection and cultural factors which need to be better understood in order which should be utilised for research purposes. Exchange of experi- to guide investments and regulatory changes in an optimal ence and development of standards through European projects will way. This goes for goods as well as persons. Improving be necessary to pave the way for this. (H2020: 4.1.2; 4.4) our understanding of mobility and our ability to 56

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