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INNOVATIVE IMPACT precompetitive research. The help of the Improving the link between research and end users and thereby European Investment Bank and other increasing application of research. banks must be solicited here as part of a “mechanism” to be designed spe- Transport research and innovation can signifi cantly contribute cifi cally for the task of transferring to solving the challenges of the transport sector, however only if research results to both market research results are applied in politics, by industry, and by citizens. and society. Basic and applied transport research is an important part of the innovation chain. However, they usually cover only the fi rst steps in the innovation chain, whereas higher levels are treated by the industry or government. Therefore, in order to foster the imple- mentation and deployment of innovative research outcomes, and in order to monitor their impact, close cooperation of transport research with industry, policy, and administration throughout the whole innovation chain is highly important and should be refl ected in Horizon 2020. Shortening the path from research to end users is essential, though all transport research can and should not produce directly for either politics or the market. Demonstration projects and fi eld operation tests are necessary and important in transport. However, the way funding is set up often puts up an artifi cial divide between research and demonstration projects. A lot more is to be learned from demonstrations if simple experimental design is introduced to them but this requires schemes of integration between the research and practitioner commu- nity, which needs to be adequately resourced. New funding tools for start-ups and innovation-oriented companies should be specifi cally aimed at research and in- novation “prod- ucts” of 60

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