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3 Projektor Den højteknologiske Epson-projektor sørger for, at alt, hvad der vises på de store, hvide skærme, er knivskarpt. De kan både vise billeder og et livefeed fra andre lokaler i 303A, hvis en underviser har behov for at være to steder på samme tid. Det sker, når de store hold ikke alle sammen kan være i et lokale. 3 Projector The hi-tech Epson projector makes sure that everything shown on the large white screens is perfectly in focus. The system can screen both still images and live streams from other rooms in 303A if a lecturer ‘has to be in two places at once’, for instance. This situation may actually arise when a group is so large that all the students cannot fit into a single room. 4 Kamera I loftet hænger også et kamera, som bruges til at filme forelæsningerne. Det giver de studerende mulighed for at følge med via livestreaming, hvis de er forhindrede i at dukke op, og for at se forelæsningen igen, hvis de ikke fik det hele med første gang. Kameraet filmer i 1080p HD-opløsning. 4 Camera A camera is also mounted in the ceiling and used to record the lectures. This allows students to ‘attend’ via live streams if they are unable to appear in person, and to watch the lecture again if there was anything they missed the first time around. The camera records in 1080p HD resolution. 20  |  CAMPUSLIV / CAMPUS LIFE  |    NR. 8·2016 2 Vægge Indretningen af auditorierne lægger op til dialog og flervejskommunikation, og det bliver understøttet af akustikken. Væggene er nemlig mere end bare flotte at se på. Bag de 25 kilometer amerikansk egetræ, der nu beklæder store dele af undervisningslokalerne, gemmer sig en vægopbygning, som gør, at akustikken i lokalerne er langt bedre end tidligere. 2 Walls The new auditorium prepares the ground for dialogue and multi-way communication and this is underpinned by the acoustics. The walls are more than just pleasant to look at. Behind the 25 km of American oak that now clads large sections of Auditorium 303A lies a wall construction that significantly improves the acoustics in the room. 1 Auditorium 47 Denne databar er udstyret med mange topmoderne features. Det er for eksempel muligt at følge undervisningen live via internettet. Via kameraet, som sidder i loftet, kan underviseren vises på storskærm i alle de andre lokaler i bygning 303A, så en enkelt underviser kan, i hvert fald i teorien, undervise alle de 850 studerende, bygningen huser, på samme tid. 1 1 Auditorium 47 This data bar is fitted with a host of ultra-modern features. For example, students can ‘attend’ lectures live via the Internet. Using the camera positioned on the ceiling, the lecturer’s presentation can be beamed onto big screens in all other rooms in Building 303A, so that, in theory, a single lecturer can teach all 850 students the building can accommodate at the same time. 2 3 4 Nye auditorier på internationalt niveau LÆRING Ved hjælp af 85 mio. kr. er auditoriebygning 303A blevet moderniseret, så den kan bruges til alle former for undervisning. Af Andreas Johansen Alle studerende på DTU’s campus i Lyngby kender auditoriebygning 303A. Bygningen, der er opført i 1964, blev i september ført ind i dette årtusinde, da den nye og forbedrede udgave blev indviet af bachelordekan Martin Vigild og campusdirektør Jacob Steen Møller. Og der er tale om en ny bygning af internationalt format. 85 mio. kr. har det kostet at optimere de i alt 3300 kvadratmeter, så de indbyder til alle former for læring for de nye studerende. Studiemiljøerne i de nyligt restaurerede auditorier er inspireret af andre topuniversiteter. Flere lokaler er således indrettet efter inspiration fra amerikanske Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Her tager vi et nærmere kig på, hvordan de forskellige nye tiltag virker og forbedrer de studerendes muligheder for at dygtiggøre sig. New auditoria of international standard LEARNING All DTU students on the University’s Lyngby Campus are familiar with Auditorium Building 303A. In September, the building—which dates back to 1964— strode purposefully into the current millennium when its new and improved version was inaugurated by Martin Vigild, Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Student Affairs, and Jacob Steen Møller, Director of Facilities. In its new form, this is a building of truly international calibre. It has cost a total of DKK 85 million to optimize the 3,300 m2 of facilities that now have the capacity to stage all kinds of teaching for the new students. The study environments in the newly renovated auditoria have drawn inspiration from conditions at other elite universities. Several of the rooms have thus been inspired by facilities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States. In this article, we will be taking a look at the various new initiatives and how they improve opportunities for students to expand their knowledge and skills.

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